Supersweat (with CBD)

Supersweat is infused with 100% isolate CBD for amazing CBD benefits! Increases healthy sweat, targets exercise results, soothes aches and enhances holistic cleansing. You’ll love the results. Made in the USA


SuperSweat CBD is a heat-activated thermogenic gel-salve that creates a breathable barrier & accelerates sweating and greater caloric burn in the applied area. Supercharged with amazing CBD, SuperSweat also helps fight muscle fatigue, soothes pain and promotes recovery!


  • Increases sweat & enhances calorie burn.
  • Targets slow-to-respond problem & injured areas.
  • Helps to accelerate warm-up & recovery time.
  • The clean fragrance will keep you smelling fresh during and after your workout.
DIRECTIONS:  Before exercise, fitness activity training, entering a sauna, RedFit Room or Cocoon Fitness pod, apply SuperSweat topical gel-salve to the skin surface while coating all desired areas without rubbing in. Only apply a thin coat- a little goes a long way!  SuperSweat CBD is activated by your body heat & elevated heart rate and works to maximize best results during cardio, high-intensity interval training, high heat Cocoon Fitness Pod and infrared sauna sessions. REMOVAL: After exercise and the normal „cool down” period, towel off SuperSweat first before showering.


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