Cocoon fitness pod


The Ultimate Premium Weight Management, Wellness Exercise & Fitness Sauna Pod Solution for Resorts & Hotels, Spas, Tanning Salons, Fitness Centers, Home Gyms, Integrated Wellness Centers, Weight Management Centers and more!

Cocoon fitness pod

  • The world’s best-selling Weight Management & Wellness Exercise Fitness POD. Made in USA with over 40,000 PODs sold worldwide.
  • Discover the original work-free & self-automated healthy activity Fitness POD – experience the intimate and unique luxury Cocoon Fitness POD with pre-set weight management & wellness exercise programs.
  • Advanced dual radiant heat & dry air heat sauna system, vibration massage, cooling face air, aromatherapy, Himalayan salt, and precious jade gemstones.
  • Perfect for home use or for additional profit potential at Spas, Fitness Centers, Tanning Salons, Weight Management & Holistic Wellness Centers, Yoga & Holistic Exercise Health Studios, Luxury Hotels, and more!
  • Wellness USA, Inc. is the original innovator, inventor, and only Cocoon Fitness POD manufacturer and has Factory Direct- Guaranteed lowest pricing!

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Cocoon Fitness POD™ – Verndarhjúpur

Framúrskarandi tækni sem hjálpar við að viðhalda kjörþyngd á meðan þú slappar af í gufu-nuddæfingartæki sem umvefur þig sem verndarhjúpur.


  • Hugtakið vellíðan nær nýjum hæðum í þessu nýja tæki og teygir sig út fyrir veggi líkamsræktarstöðva og jógastöðva. Vertu með þeim fyrstu til að dekra við þig og færa þig nær, eða viðhalda heilbrigðum, náttúrulegum líffsstíl og vellíðan. Verndarhjúpurinn færir þig aftur í kjarna gamalgróinna náttúrulegra og heildrænna vellíðunaraðferða. Þú einfaldlega leggst niður og getur valið mismunandi meðferðir eins og líkamsrækt, slökun eða þyngdarstjórnun. Verndarhjúpurinn byggir á háþróaðri tækni sem framkallar vellíðan með hjálp samsettra ytri þátta á borð við þurran hita (innrauð orka), nudd, ilmmeðferð, saltlofti og Jade steinum sem eru sambland af tveimur mismunandi náttúrulegum steinefnum, annars vegar jadeite (natríum, ál og kísil) og nefrít (kalsíum, magnesíum og kísil).
  • Verndarhjúpurinn veitir alhliða vellíðan með því að sameina í einni og sömu meðferð virkni vöðvaspennu, innrauðra ljósa, heilnudds og ilmkjarnameðferða. Hann veitir slakandi og endurnærandi meðferð fyrir huga, líkama og sál.
  • Bólstrað nuddkerfið er staðsett þannig að varmaorkan sem fæst úr steinefnum þeim er liggja að innri veggjum verndarhjúpsins nýtist fullkomlega og þér líður eins og þú svífir á dúnmjúku orkuskýi. Steinefnin senda frá sér innrauða orku þar sem um 20% af orkunni hitar andrúmsloftið í verndarhjúpnum, en um 80% af orkunni skilar sér djúpt inn í líkamann. Það sem innrauður hiti hefur umfram hefðbundið gufubað er að orka og hiti innrauðra geisla skila sér mun dýpra inn í húð og líkama við tiltölulega lágt ytra hitastig. Þá efla þeir upptöku næringarefna, auka blóðflæði og styrkja hjarta- og æðakerfi líkamans.
  • Innrauðir geislar eru rafsegulgeislar með lengri bylgjulengd en sýnilegt ljós. Þessir geislar gefa ekki frá sér hættulegu UV-geisla sólarljóssins og er því engin hætta sem af þeim stafar.


Hvernig vinnur Verndarhjúpurinn

  • Í Verndarhjúpnum er hitastýrikerfi sem gestir geta stillt að vild allt frá stofuhita og upp í 76°C. Kostir þess að hafa slíkt kerfi er að aukinn hiti veitir aukinn bruna hitaeininga með tilheyrandi þyngdartapi. Þó svo að þyngdartap vegna vatnsmissis sé tímabundið er ávinningur og vellíðan tvímælalaus og virkar sem hvatning til að viðhalda heilbrigðum lífsstíl. Meðferðin hjálpar aukinheldur við að hreinsa óhreinindi úr líkamanum, örva efnaskipti sem leiðir til varanlegs þyngdar- og ummálsmissis.
  • Á meðan þú nýtur þess að láta Verndarhjúpinn nudda allan líkamann getur þú gert æfingar sem tóna líkamann með áherslu á hendur, fætur og kjarna (kvið, síðu og mjaðmir). Upplifun og vellíðan eykst enn frekar er þú andar að þér fersku, hreinsuðu lofti sem blandað er með Himalaya salt kristölum. Kristalarnir aðstoða náttúrulega getu líkamans við það að draga djúpt andann og slaka á. Þegar rakastig andrúmslofts er eðlilegt dregur loftið að sér salt agnirnar sem mýkja húðina og opna öndunarveginn. Saltið hjálpar einnig við að opna ennis- og kinnholur og stuðlar að hugarró. Þá er einnig boðið upp á meðferð með hreinum ilmkjarnaolíum til að auka slökun og vellíðan enn frekar.
  • Notkun innrauðra geisla við það að auka kjarnhitastig líkamans hefur jákvæð áhrif á heilsu þína og vellíðan auk þess sem slík meðferð hefur reynst íþróttamönnum vel til að ná auknum árangri, svokölluð hitameðferð.
  • Ráðlagður meðferðartími í hvert sinni er frá 15-60 mínútur tvisvar til þrisvar í viku til að byrja með og svo vikulega til að viðhalda árangri.



Margir mismunandi heilsufarslegir ávinningar í einni og sömu meðferð.

Verndarhjúpurinn veitir meðal annars:


  • Róandi, vöðvaslakandi hitanudd
  • Brennir hitaeiningum
  • Stuðlar að þyngdarmissi og minnkun á ummáli
  • Eykur blóðrás
  • Eykur súefnisupptöku
  • Eykur brennslu
  • Eykur hreyfigetu
  • Eykur liðleika
  • Er verkjalosandi
  • Endurmótar líkamann
  • Afeitrar
  • Endurnærir húðina
  • Framkallar afslöppun / veitir hugarró
  • Kemur jafnvægi á kortisólmagn (kortisól er hormón sem hjálpar þér að slaka á þegar þú verður fyrir streitu og hjálpar þér að vera í jafnvægi)
  • Stuðlar að andlegu jafnvægi og ró
  • Hjálpar við svefnleysi
  • Veitir húðinni raka
  • Hreinsar öndunarveginn
  • Hjálpar árstíðabundnu ofnæmi/frjókornaofnæmi
  • Hefur góð áhrif sem meðferð við berkjubólgu

Cocoon fitness pod

Himalayan Salt-Cave Tiles:

A 6″x6″ tile of Himalayan pure ionic crystal salt is mounted near the intake fan to provide refreshing salt air. The Cocoon Fitness POD becomes the user’s personal salt cave to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate in the moment!

Cocoon fitness pod

Essential Oil Aromatherapy:


Before each session, Cocoon users can choose from a variety of essential oils that can be added near the aroma intake fan. The pure essential oils circulate within the Cocoon and surround the user with the uplifting scent and effects of their favorite essential oils.

Cocoon fitness pod

FitBed™ Wellness Exercise Fitness Capabilities:


The Cocoon Fitness POD includes a patented built-in wellness exercise fitness system featuring dynamic resistance bands of different resistance levels with cushioned grips. Ideal for weight management & improved fitness programs. Users can perform at their own level and beginning pace, engage guided-coaching and/or perform high-intensity interval training (H.I.I.T) exercises while enjoying their Cocoon session for improved fitness and wellness benefits. Exercise resistance bands may be easily and quickly changed to provide resistance for all levels of fitness sessions.

Dual Radiant Heat & Dry Air Heat Advanced Sauna System:


The combination of dual radiant heat with convection dry heated air delivers a soothing whole body warmth with dry air heat that can be set from ambient to 192°F. Most importantly, the combined radiant & dry heat provides an undeniable relaxation with an even heat; it’s a perfect system for a healthy fitness activity and increased exercise perspiration & sweat, or weight management, meditation and release of the day’s worries.

Cocoon fitness pod

Deep Relaxation Massage:


The Cocoon Fitness Pod delivers a full body vibrational massage with a dual wave massage vibration system. You can adjust the massage to emphasize upper back or lower leg massage or provide an even harmony of massage for total body relaxation. Vibration is one of the five classical massage strokes that hails from ancient civilizations. Ancient Chinese medicine masters used vibration to raise and improve the level of ‘qi energy’ and soothe or relax muscles. Since the 16th century, Japanese schools of massage have used vibration to relax tight muscles. Soft effleurage vibration waves exert a small, rhythmic force that travels within the body to exert small pressure waves on muscles helping relaxation. The adjustable-wave vibration employed by the Cocoon Fitness Pod is an effective massage technique.

Cocoon fitness pod

Cocoon Fitness POD Features:


  • Self-Automated Pre-Set Programs: Power Nap, Wellness, Relax, Fitness, Weight Management, Active-Exercise; or simple 3 Program menu: Low, Medium, High Heat
  • Dual Radiant Heat & Dry Air Heat Whole Body Sauna System: Adjustable from Ambient to 192°F
  • Integrated FitBed H.I.I.T Exercise System for Weight Management, Wellness Exercises & Fitness Improvement
  • Himalayan Pure Ionic Crystal Salt-Cave Tiles – A 6’x6′ Himalayan Salt Tile for Pure Salt Air
  • Enriched-Air System: Air Intake Ports for Enriched Oxygen, Humidified, or Vaporized Air (Optional Oxygen System, OxyOasis, Available)
  • Intake Cooling Face Air Fan for Humidified, Vaporized Air with Himalayan Salt Tile and Optional Aroma. Dual Ports, Adjustable Fan with Ionized Air
  • Ergonomic Contour Bed with Soft Cushion Pillow
  • Vibration Massage with Adjustable Upper & Lower Body Dual Wave Massage Vibration System
  • Aroma System: Includes Four Pure Essential Oil Blends
  • Robust Professional Fiberglass Body Chamber
  • Cocoon POD Color: Soft White
  • Pure Jade & Tourmaline Semi-Precious Stones in Body Chamber

Medical Disclaimer: Wellness USA Inc. makes no claims as to the specific benefits of its Cocoon Sauna POD use for individual users. The Cocoon Sauna POD is not a medical device, it makes no medical claims, has no medical purpose and performs no medical treatments. The Cocoon Wellness Pro Pod is a personal wellness and fitness infrared sauna pod system. Cocoon Sauna POD has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not for any medical purpose whatsoever. 



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A luxurious, full body, powered massage system ergonomically situated within a personal pod with a wellness exercise system & adjustable thermal dual heat sauna.  You customize and perfectly personalize the features to create a revitalizing, rejuvenating and relaxing experience for the mind and body – Enter the ultimate healthy lifestyle system for overall holistic fitness, mind-body wellness improvement & weight management: the Cocoon Fitness POD.

  • Patented dual heat system – radiant heat & dry heat
  • Adjustable dry heated air & radiant heat inside the capsule
  • Synchronized vibration transducers for soothing & invigorating back or leg massage – ideal for hot massage
  • Cooling facial air system
  •  Pure Himalayan Ionic Crystal Salt with aroma system and select essential oils to heighten the experience
  • Ergonomic bed with an optional jade mat for soothing relaxation
  • Colorful mood lights
  • Easy access hand ports for convenient controls during a session
  • Natural germicidal shell design that resists stains and polishes to a beautiful glossy finish
  • State-of-the-art touch screen with preset wellness programs
  • Adjustable temperature (up to 192℉), session time, duration, & massage intensity
  • Internationally renowned and award-winning ergonomic design

The scope of wellness is changing, expanding beyond the four walls of fitness centers and yoga studios. Be the first to treat yourself, your friends or your clients to a one-stop shop for a new healthy lifestyle and natural improved wellness. The Cocoon Fitness POD can take you back in time to benefit from time-honored natural and holistic healthy wellness methods. Lay down inside the Cocoon Fitness POD and experience a range of programs including fitness, relaxation, and weight management programs. The Cocoon Fitness POD features programs of wellness technologies made with combinations of sophisticated components like dry heat, vibration massage, aromatherapy, salt air and jade stones.

The Cocoon Fitness POD is a self-automated system that uses a small amount of floor space, requires no complex installation, plumbing or configuration. All that is needed is an electrical outlet to experience ultimate wellness. Users lie down in the bed, adjust the features, and enjoy private wellness sessions that last from 15 to 60 minutes.  The Cocoon Fitness POD requires almost no labor or maintenance to operate and meets the huge need for ease and comfort for those seek a healthier lifestyle, weight management, improved fitness and advanced wellness solutions. Experience the limitless rewards of mindfulness, enhanced fitness, and well-being.

  • Natural wellness system for everyone that encourages & inspires a healthy lifestyle
  • Maintain weight management and/or assist with weight loss goals
  • Personalized simple & easy active-exercise system
  • Enhances exercise sweating & healthy perspiration
  • Assists in firming, toning, and improving physical fitness
  • Relaxation & stress management
  • Improved mental acuity
  • Heated vibration massage for soothing of body aches
  • Promotes healthy sleep management choices

The self-automated Cocoon Fitness POD features a state-of the art color touch screen. The user friendly Cocoon software includes preset Cocoon programs:

  • Weight Management
  • Active-Exercise
  • Relax
  • Fitness
  • Wellness
  • Power Nap


At your choice, for more simple applications, we offer 3 basic software programs:

  • Low Heat
  • Medium Heat
  • High Heat

Users can also select custom programs or create their own customized setting to complement personal training or for pre and post fitness workouts sessions. All programs can be modified to personalize and change:

  • Session time
  • Duration
  • Session Temperature (Heat)
  • Exercise Levels
  • & Massage Intensity

The Cocoon Fitness Pod features a patented, built-in exercise fitness system. Exercise bands are easily changed to provide low to high resistance for all fitness levels. The Integrated FitBed optimizes weight management goals and helps increase calorie burn for improved fitness results.

The color touch screen provides workouts for users to choose from. The system combines choices of thermal heat levels from ambient to high heat and exercise intensity from beginner to elite athlete, and enables increased natural workout levels for greater calorie burn. The adjustable & personalized pod features allows users to use the FitBed exercise system to complement or help them achieve their personal fitness goals faster.


The setup and installation for the Cocoon POD is simple. The Cocoon Fitness POD offers the advantages of small floor space, providing intimacy and privacy. It does not require any particular installation, plumbing, or specific configuration. Just a simple electrical outlet and you can immediately offer a wide range of automated wellness services.

Technical Specifications Cocoon Fitness POD
Water Supply No Plumbing Required
Weight 265 lbs
Height (Closed) 40″
Height (Open) 84″
Height (Pedestal) 10″
Length 90″
Width 35.5″
Power Requirements 230 V, 50 -60 Hz
Amperage Dedicated 20 Amp
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